Man and Van Stoke Newington N16 London removals. Stoke Newington N16 Man in a van. Van H

Man and Van Stoke Newington N16 07401531229 074015312...(click to reveal full phone number) London removals. Stoke Newington N16 Man in a van. Van Hire, Stoke Newington N16 London

Stoke Newington N16 London Removals. Man and a van Stoke Newington N16. Cheap van hire.

Whether you've got a single item that you need moving, or a full house move -- we cover it all. From motorcycle recoveries to store pick-ups, give us a call on 07401531229 074015312...(click to reveal full phone number) for a quote.

The Cockney Man and Van offer the following Services;

- Store pick-ups from B&Q, eBay, Homebase, Wickes, Ikea + many more
- Stoke Newington N16 Man and Van hire
- Office Clearances
- Long haul removals, national or mainland Europe
- Man and van Stoke Newington N16
- Airport pick-ups and drop-offs
- Stoke Newington N16 Student moves and removals
- Collections and deliveries of singles items
- Motorcycle recover all mainland UK motorways (M25, M1, M4 etc.)

Our prices start from £20.00per hour all inclusive -- we guarantee no surprise VAT or fuel costs.

The Cockney Man and Van promise an efficient, reliable and affordable service in Stoke Newington N16 and surrounding London areas.

Whether you're moving a table, contents of a studio flat, an office or a 6 bedroom house, we have vans in a variety of sizes to suit all of your needs.

Man and van, Stoke Newington N16 | Stoke Newington N16 Man in van | Stoke Newington N16 Removals
Man and van, West London | West London man in van | West London removals 
Man and van, North London | North London man in van | North London removals 
Man and van, South London | South London Man in van | South London removals 
Man and van, East London | East London man in van | East London removals 

All of our vans have free wi-fi, television and room for two passengers, meaning you don't need to worry about travel arrangements.

We have vans located in Stoke Newington N16 and throughout London covering the whole of the UK and mainland Europe.

Give us a call on 07401531229 074015312...(click to reveal full phone number) for more information or a quote. You can also check us out on 

Jobs can be booked in advance or at short notice.

'No job too big, no job too small'

Man and Van Brighton to London, 
Man and Van Manchester to London , 
Man and Van Birmingham to London, 
Man and Van London to Liverpool, 
Man and Van Leeds to London, 
Man and Van Newcastle toLondon,
Man and Van Cornwall to London, 
Man and Van Devon London,
Man and Van Scotland to London, 
Man and Van Glasgow, Scotland to London , 
Man and Van Dundee, Scotland to London, 
Man and Van Edinburgh, Scotland toLondon,
Man and Van Wales to London,
Man and Van Cardiff, Wales to London , 
Man and Van Aberystwyth, Wales to London, 
Man and Van Wrexham, Wales to London,
Man and Van London to Brighton, 
Man and Van London to Manchester, 
Man and Van London to Birmingham, 
Man and Van London to Liverpool, 
Man and Van London to Leeds, 
Man and Van London to Newcastle,
Man and Van London to Cornwall, 
Man and Van London to Devon
Man and Van London to Scotland, 
Man and Van London to Glasgow, Scotland, 
Man and Van London to Dundee, Scotland, 
Man and Van London to Edinburgh, Scotland
Man and Van London to Wales, 
Man and Van London to Cardiff, Wales, 
Man and Van London to Aberystwyth, Wales, 
Man and Van London to Wrexham, Wales

Location: South East - Surrey
Added on 9 hours ago and expires on 6 July, Ad id: 369439          176 visits