Corporate Art Consultants. Scouting Artists, Talent and Fine Artwork for ASIA and Middle East Sales.

CORPORATE ART CONSULTANTS, (Dealer, Agent, Manager, Art Law). We are always looking for ''art with a wow factor'' and ''staying power'' that can translate to corporate placement. There are good opportunities for artists to sell or rent their artwork to corporations.

Art Work in a corporate collection gives an artist exposure to a potentially wealthy sector of society, including potential collectors with the means to buy and may even result in greater sales.

OK Artists, first, the good news: you can always sell your artwork. Whether you sell well now and want to sell more, want to expand international sales to ASIA (CHINA, JAPAN), and/ or you're just starting out and looking for ways to take your art public, we're right here and I can help. We will show you how to distinguish your art to corporate Art Buyers as an essential asset worth owning, and most importantly, how to keep people and corporations buying. Believe it.

We are professional Art Consultants with over ''thirty years'' in the business and know what we are doing in the Business of Art. We will analyse, assess and advise on your approach, your prices, your website, how you organize and present your art, your statement, and your other written materials, how you position yourself, how you talk about your art, how to advance toward your goals-- whatever those goals may be-- and more. When people and corporations see your art and like it, be ready to turn that "like" into action-- the kind of action that gets you gallery shows and corporate sales.

Want to get more shows? Want to sell more art better? Want to sell to corporations and corporate art buyers? Want to sell to international markets in ASIA, MIDDLE EAST and USA? Take the next step and email us now!

Applicants must submit their CV (Curriculum Vitae), headshot, statement of interests for career, professional portfolio of artwork and exhibition experience, if available.

* Emailed photos will be accepted in (.jpg, .gif, .psd and .tif formats only). Please do not send photos embedded in MSWord, Works, PowerPoint, Excel or any other format other than as a regular picture attachment. *(PDF Format preferred for documents) in Zip file.

Send Email to our attention, Corporate Art Consultants @click to contact and you can begin the process and find out how to get discovered, managed, and develop your professional!

Location: London - London
Added on 15 days ago and expires on 29 December, Ad id: 574439          384 visits